October 24, 2020

How Honeybook Changed My Business!

If you’re reading this, you’re probably trying to decide if Honeybook is really worth the hype. It’s a huge investment, and you want to be extra sure that Honeybook will help you with your business…

WELL I GOT NEWS FOR YOU! I am going to explain, in detail, how Honeybook completely changed my business, and in the best way possible. I literally couldn’t survive without it.

What Is Honeybook?

Honeybook is a CRM (customer relationship management) system designed specifically for creative entrepreneurs and small business owners that also provides educational resources through blog posts and webinars! It helps manage contracts, invoices, payments, and so much more!

What My Business Looked Like Before Honeybook!

Before I started using Honeybook, I was using Shootproof for my gallery delivery service AND client management system. Which worked okay for me… until I really started gaining traction in my business. I was paying nearly the same amount I am now, because I needed gallery space for Shootproof. A good chunk of the time, my clients wouldn’t receive my emails out of Shootproof, or they’d be marked as spam and go right into the spam folder.

I was manually typing in every session, every wedding and the times into my Google Calendar AND planner. I was sending questionnaires in a regular email, expecting my clients to try and respond via email. My workflow was working…. but I was wasting SO much time. I had to be more efficient if I wanted to take more clients and expand my brand.

And then that’s when I decided to suck it up and purchase Honeybook – A.K.A the best decision I’ve ever made for my biz!

What I Learned During The 7-Day Trial Period!

When I first started the trial it, I was totally lost and overwhelmed. I’m not gonna lie, it was like a maze with a million different shiny things to look at!! But nonetheless, I started looking up youtube videos and decided to put just a couple of clients into this new CRM that I was curious about. I didn’t have time to be confused or overwhelmed – I needed time back in my life and my business!

After watching a couple youtube videos and reading a couple tutorials, I managed to transfer two of my clients into Honeybook and I was AMAZED. After doing it a couple of times, it was EASY. AND FAST.

After experimenting during the trial, I realized these six things that had me SHOOK.

✨ I can send an entire proposal with a contract, invoice, and questionnaire all in ONE click.

✨ I can keep track of where I’m at in my workflow, with EVERY SPECIFIC CLIENT. (Goodbye post-it notes!)

✨ I can make my contracts, invoices, and questionnaires look professional/on point with my brand AND they work seamlessly?! MIND-BLOWN.

✨ Direct-deposit payments RIGHT into my bank account (with instant deposit sometimes) – UMMMM WHAT?!

✨ Honeybook integrates with Google Calendar (HECK YES), Gmail (AMEN), Zapier, Quickbooks, Calendy and a few other apps!

✨ I can create templates for questionnaires, timelines, emails, contracts, proposals, and soooo much more so I don’t have to re-write everything over and over again!


I Finally Made The Decision to Invest in Honeybook!

On the 7th day of the free trial, I was just in AWE at how seamless this CRM worked. I put my credit card information without hesitation, and said goodbye to Shootproof.

The team helped me migrate my information from Shootproof to Honeybook (which was a life saver!)

I’ve been using it for nearly a whole year now and I LEGIT HAVE NO IDEA HOW I RAN MY BUSINESS WITHOUT IT.

Even my clients have commented on how easy it is for them to use, and that they LOVE how simple it is to pay with their credit card (AND set-up autopay!!)

Honeybook Resources that Helped Me!

Jenna Kutcher’s Blog Post on Streamlining Workflows!
Jenna Kutcher’s Blog Post on Building Your Process!
– Workflow Setup for Photographers


Stop asking yourself if you need to invest in this hyped-up CRM. My answer to that question is, without hesitation…. “HELL YES FAM!!!” I pinky promise that you will fall in love with it, just like I did. I cannot even try to tell you how much stress it has taken off me.


RELATED | 5 Ways to Take Your Client Experience to The Next Level!


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your elopement photographer

HEYY HEYY!! I'm Sam, your elopement photographer and experience creator based out of Minnesota!! You can also find me on a flight somewhere, swimming in the ocean pretending I'm a siren, screaming my heart out at concerts, or reading some smutty enemiesy to lovers romance books!! 
